Whales, Crystals and Motherships

Anna Kristina – a Norwegian charter vessel, seen sailing along the coast of Tysnes, an island south of Bergen and its home port. It was built on a farm and later an engine installed. It was restored in 1987 in time to join the tall-ships in the Australian 1st Fleet Re enactment voyage of that year. We sailed on her for 3 days in 1989 in Hervey Bay in Queensland Australia.







Each time we come into winter, the season when some thousands of whales head up the east coast to Australia from Antarctica, I’m reminds of the brief adventure I had in 1989 aboard a sailing ship, whale- watching at Hervey Bay. I ‘ve recently come across an account of it that I wrote for my grandson Jackson to share with his friends.

It all started in July of ‘ 89 when I joined an educational camping trip with 12 six class kids from the local Steiner School led by their teacher Bob and supervised by two of the parents. The focus was mainly to learn all about the wonders of Australian gemstones and where to find them.

We travelled west from Bellingen passing through Guyra and Glen Innes, stopped to look at the splendid organ pipes created by giant basalt formations along the northern side of Mt. Kapatur, a splendid old mountain near Narrabri.
I remember seeing a huge eagle’s nest right at the very top and singing to the eagles, sending the sound reverberating up through the organ pipes.

This ancient volcanic mountain was one of three created in a diagonal line across N.S.W. creating ‘hot spots’ as red-hot bubbling lava rose to the surface, and finally cooling, one forming Wollumbin/Mt Warning to the nth. east, then Mt.Kapatur and on to the Warrumbungles in the sth. west, in much the same way that the islands of Hawaii are still being formed one after the other..

We stopped at Moree to sample the steamy hot mineral-rich artesian spring baths, which rise from the springs below then on to the famous Lightning Ridge opal fields where we tried our hand at fossicking, then headed north to the splendid Carnarvon Gorge, an oasis right in the heart of dry dusty Queensland.

After that, we arrived at the Sapphire gem fields in time for the August Gem fest at Anakie. The Sapphire mine is nearby and also the villages of Sapphire and Emerald, Rubyvale and The Willows. Here we learned lots about the semi precious stones which gave the towns their names.

At Emerald I bought a beautiful chunk of clear green Chrysoprase almost the size of my fist – an Australian stone often mistaken as Chinese Jade, which came from a mine near Bundaberg on the coast near Harvey Bay. This stone would play a central role in my story about the hump-back whales in Hervey Bay a couple of months later.

Next we headed east to Mt. Hay near the city of Rockhampton, famous for the “thunder eggs’ found there, then crossed to Lady Musgrave Island, a tiny uninhabited coral island in the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef.

While the group were busy swimming and snorkelling I decided to drive further south along the coast to Hervey Bay and crossed by ferry to explore Frazer Island, its beautiful beaches and tiny lakes surrounded by rich tropical forest. Here I learned that this was also the best place to see the whales who gather in Hervey Bay every winter, and I decided there and then to return as soon as I could..

The opportunity came soon after we returned home when my old friend, song writer Hans Poulson visited me and suggested that we meet together at Hervey Bay to whale-watch in a few weeks time.

It would also be an opportunity to further my earth- balancing work with quartz crystals. Over the previous couple of years I had spent much time placing small activated crystals into special spots in the earth, first at Uluru and throughout the Northern Territory and back home around the coast. – many earth workers were following inner promptings to do the same around that time. I somehow expected that whales would be involved in the crystals work as well.

A friend from Valla who heard of our plans supplied the next clue, giving me a copy of writings and sketches by a wonderful artist and mystic, Kinsley Jarret whom I had already met, in which he described a powerful vision he’d had when in the Valla area, of visiting a mothership/satellite — a massive spacecraft, fitted with crystalline technology and capable of both space travel and being underwater, its purpose being to provide a healing and protective environment for wounded cetaceans. Sadly Kinsley has since died in 2008, but not before I shared details of the adventure he had inspired.

the Circle at Valla and the visiting dolphun

Talaus spaceship co pilot

the dome fountains with laser lights

ocean convalescence poolunder the UFO


She also contributed two tiny but powerful Herkimer diamond crystals to add to my other working crystals by attaching them to my ear lobes, creating a crystalline ‘Walkman” ! – all the better for sharpening my intuition!!

I was then ready to set off up north, spending the first night at a motel at Urungan on the edge of Hervey Bay. Trouble began when a violent storm blew all night. Hans and I were due to meet the next morning to go aboard the Anna Kristina – the beautiful hundred-year-old sailing ship on which we had planned to spend a couple of days observing whales and dolphins at play.

Unfortunately the storm had forced the ship to shelter overnight at Boat Harbour and its earlier passengers had left, mostly suffering from sea sickness, and the captain had retreated to the local hospital with the flu.

Luckily, the next day the weather cleared and the captain recovered, and we obtained berths for the next three nights, so all was now in order to set sail again the next day. Sadly it was a day too late for Hans who had to return south, but his two friends, Nan and Digby whom I had just met decided to wait with me, and we went aboard the next afternoon, setting sail across Hervey Bay to Frazer Island and anchoring there for the night.

There was only room to sleep 12 people on board and after dinner the narrow ledge along one side of the cabin which served as a dining table during the day became my bunk at night-time. While I lay there below the water level listening to the gentle lapping of the water against the timber I realized I could hear the distant tones of whale song travelling through the water. What an awesome experience that was!

Whale Song (Source: Oceania iWhales 2008)

I remained very wakeful, relishing every moment, and towards midnight I felt drawn to go quietly up on deck, taking my bag of crystals with me. The ship was pointing north, the sky was brilliant, the moon was full and in perfect alignment with the blue Star Sirius where, incidentally, the cetaceans are said to have migrated from.

I became aware of someone at the back of the boat — it was Wally, the leader of the excursion, quietly standing sentinel. I asked him if it was OK to be up on deck with the crystals and explained how I worked with them – though not yet knowing what their specific purpose was to be on this occasion.

I was so relieved when he told me he understood and proceeded to tell me a wonderful story – “operation breakthrough” when, just a year before in Oct.’88 three grey Beluga whales, having stayed in their feeding grounds for too long, became trapped in pack ice near Point Barren off the coast of Alaska.

Three Beluga Whales trapped in the Arctic Ice off the coast of Alaska in 1988 held world attention till they were freed.

I remembered the incident well. The whole world watched on TV while at first, Inuit whale hunters attempted to free them, then, in spite of Cold War inhibitions, international cooperation built up, the Soviets sent in two ice breakers, and two of the whales were freed, though the youngest one died.

Wally was able to tell me that he knew a wealthy young man who was also working with crystals in a similar way to me, though with the benefit of owning his own helicopter which allowed him ready access to wherever on the planet he felt directed to deposit the stones, and that he had contributed to the whale rescue by flying over the sight and dropping crystals from the plane !

I now had the go-ahead to arrange a layout of clear quartz crystals on top of the hatch, placing the beautiful Chrysoprase I had bought in Emerald in the centre, and the little green Moldavite/Starstone on top to activate it, this indicating that it would be the one returning to the earth, or, in this case into the ocean.
Moldavite, by the way, is a rare meteorite, discovered in the Moldau river in Bohemia in the Czech Republic, and also thought to have come from the Sirius Star system. The mystery deepens! Work done, I reluctantly returned below and finally slept.

Next morning, straight after breakfast, Wally directed the three of us to clamber down into a bright orange Zodiac to set out in search of whales, me nervously clutching my precious bag of crystals, and we shot off across the water, a pod of dolphins enthusiastically showing us the way, finally stopping way out in the centre of the bay. We sat waiting expectantly as the boat bobbed quietly up and down.

We soon became aware of a large circular cloud spreading directly above us. Wally remarked that this was unusual – that normally the first clouds to begin to gather would be above the nearest land mass, which in this case was Frazer Island. My first excited thought was ‘mothership’ but I was nervous about saying so.

Next Wally attempted to radio back to the Anna Kristina to make the first of one hourly reports identifying our location, but to his surprise, the transmitter failed to work! Luckily a yacht sailed by and he called to its skipper to radio in for us so we could continue our vigil. Still no whales in sight and the dolphins had long since gone off to play.

I realized it was time to muster the courage to tell these new friends that I didn’t think we’d be seeing any whales today – that I understood we were there for a different purpose, and I passed around the activated Chrysoprase stone which needed us to help it to ‘return home’ – back to the ocean bed from which it had been mined.

I already knew that almost all Australian chrysoprase came from a mine near the city of Bundaberg, just across the water from where we were, and it made sense that the seam of ore continued well into the bay deep below us – it seemed we were heading in the right area!

I tentatively explained that I knew this to be no ordinary cloud – that we were in the presence of an immense dome-shaped camouflaged spaceship, which, thanks to already having the knowledge of the details of Kingsley’s vision, was occupied by beings who had also come from Sirius, manning an ‘off-planet cetacean hospital’ designed to provide protection and whatever healing was required, and that the energy radiating from the chosen crystal would also contribute to their well-being and the already powerful surrounding environment.

I was then prompted to lay back, holding the stone and brought through a resounding toning, directing its song up into the ‘cloud cover’ above us!

After a short silence, to my surprise and relief, Nan then spoke up, saying she too understood our mission, having watched me go up on deck at midnight the night before, and becoming aware of the Mothership above. had experienced herself being drawn up into it! That was all she could add because, frustratingly, her memory then went blank till she found herself safely back in bed.

So ! next question? Were we in the right spot? Nan answered “Beluga man would tell us! Till then, Wally had remained silent, but he was happy to respond as Beluga man, having always felt a deep connection to Beluga whales. He had pulled up right where we needed to complete the task in hand, and now it was time to drop it overboard!

We then decided on a group photograph to take home to Trish, Wally’ wife and partner in the Oceania Project before returning to the ship. The camera however refused to co-operate until we were out from under the cover of the ‘mother-cloud’ and the company of our ‘Off-planet friends’ above us!..

Wally and Trish Franklin who have contributed a wealth of knowledge about cetaceans through their Oceania Project over a number of years. Check their web sight at The Oceania Project – caring for Whales, Dolphins and the Ocean.

The adventure concluded happily when we saw whales cavorting near the Anna Kristina the next day. That was all that was required to seal our joy, and sense of wonder and gratitude for an experience that still lives vividly within my heart and memory!


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