A Feast of Flower Essences

25-02-2015 10;31;25 AMI will begin by introducing  my own collection of flower essences .

These relate particularly to our inner transformational journeys, most of which I created over a period of years to be prescribed as part of my healing practice.

Flowers and gemstones provide both the inspiration and the vibrational frequencies for the creation of all of these powerful healing preparations.

Their use in promoting physical health, emotional balance and spiritual growth has been known throughout many cultures over millennia.

We all owe much to Doctor Bach for reintroducing flower essences to the West in modern times.   His set of essences are still readily available and can be a great place to start.

The gem elixirs have long been a part of Aryuvedic practice, and the large body of work done by Gurudas in the U.S.A. in the 80’s created a solid base for their incorporation into the healing modalities of the new millennium.    His comprehensive  books include ‘Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing’ and ‘Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing Vols. 1 &2.’

The  preparation of vibrational essences is a simple process, done by placing the individual flower or gemstone in a clear glass bowl of pure water in the sunlight for an hour or two, ideally in spring.
It does not require any special skill or training to do this though each one needs to be prepared with care and focus.   The flower’s properties can be accessed by listening to the information given by the deva of the plant and then recorded.

Essence drops are absorbed under the tongue at appropriate intervals, though the frequency can be adjusted intuitively, as the remedies are self-adjusting and are therefore quite safe and gentle to use.   All remedies can be taken individually or in combination for specific needs.

There is a wealth of more detailed information available in books and on the web. An essence practitioner can assist in their selection, if intuitive promptings aren’t forthcoming.

Ian White’s Australian Bush Flower Essences are very widely used.    Patricia Meyer, a well-known Flower Practitioner and healer in San Mateo, California is a great source of information and remedies, including her selection from  the flowers of Southern Africa.  see http://www.Patsgarden.com

For more Australian remedies, go to http://www.roseofraphael.com.au for  comprehensive  information about “The Rose of Raphael Vibrational Essences and Healing”,and also contact Barbara Joy Golden at 64/37 Old Coach Rd. Tallai 4213 for information about her work in Central Australia creating the series – ” Essences of the Centre”,

I have also worked with the fine transformational series “The Essences of the Ancient Civilizations”.

Displaying the rare Philodendren Maritana - the Lilly of Tramsformation

Displaying the rare Philodendren Maritana – the Lilly of Transformation.

I was first drawn to the beautiful and rewarding work of creating my own essences, both from flowers and gemstones, to complement the many other aspects of  individual and planetary healing.  This was mainly during the late 80’s and the 90’s while living at the Windgarden, my home in Bellingen in northern N.S.Wales.

When I moved further north to my next home in the village of Clunes, there were several beautiful flowers growing in that lovely garden beckoning to be used as essences, so the work  continued there, and also in my current home in Ocean Shores.

I happily share this information to encourage others to make vibrational healing a part of their programme of health maintenance, and even consider making their own essences.


1. The ‘Flower Essences of Transition’ Series.

This group play a special role in assisting us in our personal spiritual growth.  They include -The Lilly of Transformation, which embodies the Spirit of the Goddess of Transformation, assists in integrating moments of great transformative power.

Nasturtium – for letting go and letting be. Enhances the inner senses. Natural antibiotic.

Peruvian Lilly -– for strengthening confidence and trust in one’s intuitive ability.

Scarlet Cactus – for restoring mental/emotional harmony.

White Moon Cactus – for guiding us home.

The Purple Rose Essence – for Protection & Balance.

The Fiery Sword of the Sacred Fire of the Heart Essence -– for finding the strength, will and desire to cut the chains that bind, and open the flood-gates of love.

The Rose of Sharon – manifesting in harmony with the pulses of the earth.

Azalea family

A selection from the Azalea family

2. The Azalea Series of Sacred Remedies.  Designed to support us through each of the seven-year cycles of growth.

This Series was created in the early 90s in collaboration with Tamayra Hayman, a fellow practitioner.

3. Essences for World Peace , Harmony and Balance.     These include the Peace Rose, as well as the Australian Floral Emblems –  A Combination of  Seven Essences, made by combing each of the flowers representing all seven states of Australia.

Taken together, they are helpful for dissolving  political boundaries and divisions between peoples.- Creating unity, harmony and cooperation.

4. A series of Elixers from the Great Barrier Reef , created using corals living within the waters of Magnetic Island off the Queensland coast.

5. A selection of Alchemical Gem Elixirs. including Alexandrite, Turquoise, Scarab, Antimony and others.

Series 4 and 5. will appear in a separate category relating to the use of gemstones.

 The Transformational Flower Essences

The following information details the qualities of each of the flowers essences and was obtained through intuitive channelling at the time of creating the essence.

Embodying the spirit of the Goddess of Freedom

A beautiful, rare flower, white, with a splendid stamen and a deep crimson shot of colour on

I have called this the Lilly of Transformation Essence. Botanists know the plant as Philodrendran Maritana.

I have called this the Lilly of Transformation Essence. Botanists know the plant as Philodendron Maritana.

the interior of the Lilly at its base. Its botanical name is Philodendron Maritana and it belongs in the tropical rainforests of Brazil.
I first discovered this single unusual lily at the bottom of my garden when it opened for just a day at the Full Moon before the celebration of Easter, such a short flowering, with a message of what can be achieved in a moment.

“We each experience moments of intense joy, ecstasy, pain and longing of such intensity and such short duration that we wonder if they have truly happened, and each of these are moments of great transformative power – a fact that we tend to dismiss!
The brief appearance of this lily is no less a moment of intense beauty and fulfilment, so to regret its passing is to fail to understand the power of the moment.

The shortened life of the Master Jesus 2000 years ago is an example on this planet of the reverberatory effect of a ‘moment’ in the earth’s history of such impact that the redemption of humanity is assured through his example.”


This magnificent flower is hand sized and shaped rather like a water lily with about a dozen slender outer scarlet petals and as many crimson inner ones, violet tipped.
It is a succulent known as Epiphyllum Thalia .

This plant is a succulent known as Epiphyllum Thalia.I like to call it the Essence of Red Cactus.

This plant is a succulent known as Epiphyllum Thalia.       I like to call it the Essence of Red Cactus.

“The essence is blessed with many qualities and the way to access these is through the heart.
Open the heart-mind connection as gently as you would approach the Deva of this very delicate but fiery flower.
Sing its praises with words from the mind and sounds from the heart. Beautiful music is created thus! And mental-emotional harmony restored and renewed, nourishing the soul and elevating the spirit.
Be patient as you contemplate its beauty and it will reveal its secrets to your heart.
Its process of opening so gently, gradually expanding to reveal its innermost delicacy and vulnerability, and then in an almost uninterrupted and imperceptible cycle of movement, withdrawing and closing – this is its key!”

It mirrors the cycles of the ages, time / no time, here today and gone tomorrow, yet forever present and indestructible. This is its mystery and its revelation.
It helps to deepen the understanding at the most profound level of that which you seek to grasp about your life.
It supports you to open yourself to encompassing the most profound and complex nature of who you are, while remaining open to the joy and simplicity of the moment.

What a gift is this to those struggling to maintain balance and trust during these challenging times – trust in oneself – trust in the ineffable beauty and truth of creation. Use this essence at any time and as an adjunct to any process, to support you with strength and clarity and safety as you open yourself to ever-deeper levels of transformation and expansion.

Through its rhythms it will assist you to access the wisdom to know when to expand and open and when to gently contract and withdraw – breathing in – breathing out.
So be it! ”                                                                                                                          7thNov.’99


This beautiful white epiphyllum is a succulent that flowers briefly overnight and gradually closes the next day. This essence was made under the light of the Leo Full Moon in February, suspended in a bowl of pure water encircled by a string of pearls and four quartz crystals placed on a white marble table. The activation was completed next morning by the light of a gentle rising sun.

The Essence of the White Moon Cactus partners the Scarlet/red essence

The Essence of the White Moon Cactus partners the Scarlet/red essence

“This exquisite lily like flower shimmering in the moonlight is now honoured as the true balancing partner of the crimson/scarlet cactus.
Together they blend their potent song of harmony for truly, as the sun and moon dance their intertwining cycles, will these two gifts of the angels weave their magical dance of love and harmony into the human psyche.
Their potency is in no way diminished by their short life spans.
Enlightenment cannot be commanded or even earned, and yet the steadily growing, enduring frame of the tough, sturdy plant from which the delicate flowers spring are, as it were a symbol of the spiritual ground-work – the aeons of the soul’s striving and searching which lay the foundation for the moment of ‘lift-off’!

The most profound qualities of this white moon flower are those of deepest mystery.
Use this ‘mother’ essence to find your way home to the Heart of Gaia, the Heart of your own heart, the ineffable divinity of your innermost life-spark – that which is the womb of creation, the Mother of us all, the Mother that we all are.”


Botanists call this plant Scillae Peruviana,though it is found around the Meditteranean.It is part of the Squill family.

Botanists call this plant Scillae Peruviana,though it is found around the Meditteranean.It is part of the Squill family.

The following insights came while holding the sky blue Angelite stone and focusing on the spiralling little blue flowers of the Peruvian Lilly while it floated in its bowl of pure water.

“Welcome this essence into your collection at this time in order to create a vibration of harmony, which will help to dispel feelings of inadequacy in relation to your transformative work.
It is hard to maintain confidence in the light of so much diverse information and instruction.

Much of it has yet to reach a level of accuracy and true knowledge, and much of it is confusing because of the different levels of clairvoyance and clairaudience used to view the inner planes.

The Peruvian Lilly which flowers in early May

The Peruvian Lilly which flowers in early May

So this is to strengthen your own trust, for as it strengthens and radiates forth to others, you will draw unto you all the knowledge and understanding needed to continue you work, consistent in your level of inner knowing, thus allowing joy and confidence to flow forth.

The vibration contained within the spiral, opening ever upwards and revealing the blue/violet of the sky mirrored in its petals, calls in the angelic light and the gentle power of the Mother’s protection. So be it!”

Made in August 1999.


This essence was made placing five flowers together in a bowl, with colours ranging from pale yellow to deep russet red, using water collected from the leaves of the plants after rain. The message received about it began with the words –

A variety of Nasturtiums tumbling down the rockery.

A variety of Nasturtiums tumbling down the rockery.

“Allowing allowing  allowing!

“Nothing to be forced along – nothing that needs to be activated or understood through a concentrated effort of the will. Rather, look at how the plant advances gently across your courtyard. The process is inevitable once the desire to truly grow and heal and serve is ignited.

The regeneration of the body physical is assisted through the vibrations of this vibrant flower just as we need it most – in times when the energy is flagging and the sense of connection to Light, Source and Sun seems to have diminished.

This then is its tonifying role and the myriad cells of the body physical will dance with joy as its vibration activates the life force within them.
Its vibration is too strong for many parasitical viruses encroaching on the host cells, and it is in this way that it can claim to disinfect.

The Nasturtium Deva carries within her being a joyful, playful vibration and supports us in a willingness to let go and let be, relax and enjoy embracing with keen awareness the richness and diversity of colour and form of everything around us.
It will be thus through increased perception on an outer level that our inner senses, particularly that of seeing, will be enhanced naturally and joyfully. So be it.”


Made on the 25th of November 2006 from a purple/magenta tea rose with a velvety texture and an inner leaf marked by three white forked lines and multiple yellow stamens.
It flowers on a young bush growing in my latest garden in Ocean Shores.

“The purpose of creating the essence at this time is to gather in the forces that emanate

A rare purple-toned tea rose

A rare purple-toned tea rose

from the plant life in this beautiful area bounded by bush and ocean.
This will be of assistance to you and those of your immediate surroundings to remain in harmony as the chaotic disturbances increase in power and momentum.
Be aware of any immediate thought forms attempting to inhibit your concentration and will to serve.

This powerful essence will assist in regrouping and rethreading the karmic impulses so that they may be coalesced into a supporting cord of light filaments, capable of being directed and influenced as a stable current of equilibrium within your own being.

Share the essence with any who feel drawn to its power and balancing vibration.
Note well the pure white- pronged pattern flowing from the rose’s heart. Allow it to gently flow into your own heart, imagining it as you do as a delicate three-pronged plug, enabling you to connect its current into the core of your being.

Any moments of hesitation during periods of progress along the path of transmutation and evolvement will be dissolved through the grace and power of this remedy.
And so it is.  Blessed Be.”

The Purple Rose Essence combines well with the Peruvian Lilly Essence (see above) to help us push through the final blocks and retain calm, courage and perseverance along the journey.


Made on the 4th of January 2009 from a beautiful bromeliad. Its leaves have alternating dark green and light green horizontal stripes with a brilliant red/orange sword shaped flower with the tiniest yellow flowers finally appearing up the stem.

The Message:

This spendid plant is known botanically as Vriesea Splendite. To me , its flower expresses the power of the fiery sword of the heart.

This spendid plant is known botanically as Vriesea Splendite.
To me , its flowers express the power of the fiery sword of the heart.

” Beloved daughter of the Earth Watchers.
Seek to feel within your own heart the pain of separation, acknowledge it and bring forth within your being all that you have been prepared to endure in this lifetime for the goal that you set yourself – to be free of the trammellings of your race in order to be a way-shower for others.

It is time for you to step out of the habitual patterns of your kind in order to free yourself and others from the shackles that restrain you from opening the flood gates of love that you have managed so well to suppress for fear of losing all the earlier gains of self discipline and emotional restraint.

Release the fear! Embrace the power that loving will offer – the power to open the floodgates of love, the power to transform the habits of a petty mind while still remaining aware of the details of life around you. – The moments of beauty, glimpses of wondrous things, sounds that thrill the soul, smells that alert the senses to the riches of earthly creation, so allowing all to be the recipients of this new-found zest for living and loving, acknowledging and recording.
Thus gratitude pours forth, spontaneity is enhanced, and courage is honed.

These are the lessons, aye, the gifts of this wondrous plant: To assist you in finding the strength, the will, the desire to cut through the chains that bind, to embrace the fiery sword of the sacred heart fire!”

Honeysuckle Climber

Honeysuckle Climber

Honeysuckle Essence

Strips away illusion, especially around the emotional bodies.
It facilitates the entry of the Diamond Ray of higher mental activity.
This facilitates understanding on the inner level of each individual’s unique experience of loneliness.

                 Native Frangipani Essence

The Australian Native Frangipani

The Australian Native Frangipani

this Is a remedy for  breaking through, dissolving boundaries and uncovering new horizons.

It brings boundless energy and joy and a desire to move and dance with the cosmic pulse beat.

It can help the departure of the spirit from earthly realms. It breaks links, both on the earth plane and with those outgrown astral entities that no longer serve our purpose and would hinder our spiritual progression, such as ancestors trying to impose their obsessive beliefs upon those choosing to move on in their evolvement, and not be tied by the belief systems of the ancestors.


A Wisteria Climber' A vibrant splash of Violet colour against a white-washed wall.

A Wisteria Climber’ A vibrant splash of Violet colour against a white-washed wall in our Balmain home.

  The Wisteria Essence

This beautiful flowering vine brings strength and stability to the emotional body, allowing the knowledge gained at a higher mental level to be digested and absorbed in the emotional body, and it is from here that  “right action” can then be born through the physical body.

This can now take effect within the individual’s life circumstances.

The strength it brings is mirrored by the climbing and sustaining power that the vine demonstrates.




These essences were made at my home in Bellingen when the village still held an annual Azalea Festival

One of the original azaleas and me

The Rose Pink variety – One of the splendid original lineage azaleas  and me in the Windgarden.

in spring, celebrating the beauty of these flowering shrubs.

Some were made from the ‘common’ azaleas, – the original lineage of the species growing at the Windgarden – one of the oldest gardens in town.



red azalea

red azalea

Red Azalea – holding the lineage of a new order.

“It aligns the heart and mind centres, allowing true words of leadership to be spoken,
Words that will hold the inspiration and love from within the fire of the heart.
Taking this remedy may bring forth new challenges that come from the responsibilities of leadership. It also provides the strength to handle them.
It works on the blood, helping to break down ‘chaining’ in red blood corpuscles where this has contributed to diseased states. It also works on blood clots, allowing the ‘leader cells’ within the system to function powerfully.”

Shell pink Azalea

A pink Azalea bush

A  flourishing  old Azalea bush several meters high. Shell Pink Azalea.

This remedy loosens the chains for the little ones between ages one to seven, allowing them to come fully into their eyes as the first teeth start to fall.
The Angelic quality of the essence helps them retain spiritual awareness throughout this process of change as they become more fully incarnated on the earth plane, helping to maintain a true balanced polarity between heaven and earth which will stay with them as they grow older.



Magenta Azalea
This remedy is especially for puberty and the years from

magenta azalea

magenta azalea

fourteen to twenty one.
It starts to break the chains of family lineage and step out on ones own.
It helps soothes puberty traumas and bring comfort when parents don’t seem to understand or are unable to bend their belief systems to encompass the experience of their children.
For this reason it can be appropriate for the parent/s to take this remedy together with their child if they are willing.

This is a wonderful remedy to accompany the student leaving home for boarding school or tertiary colleges, apprenticeships etc.
Its cosmic use is to break old style regal lineage, allowing in our true star lineage.
It brings recognition of spiritual sisters and brothers, teachers and pupils currently incarnate on earth.


pale pink azalea

Pale pink azalea

Baby Pink Double Azalea – relates to Soul Mates / Soul Twins.

This remedy assists us in finding our ultimate partner, he or she who dwells within each one of us. It helps break the chains which tie us to our illusory belief that this twin aspect in its pure form can be found within another person.
It works to draw our Angelic form to us, developing our Angel Wings for the purpose of making our life’s journey lighter, more joyful and uplifting.
It may also help draw to us the earthly partner needed to help us along the path to discovering our own truly perfected twin nature. This may be through marriage, friendship or family.

my watercolour of the pink azalea with a rose centre

my watercolour of the pink azalea with a rose centre

Pink Azalea with a Rose Centre

This remedy is for those marrying or entering into a joint relationship which takes them away from their families.
Where there is a need to break the chains of some family ties and interdependency while retaining others, it endows the discrimination to decide which to keep and which to leave behind.
This essence invokes the Angel of Marriage through ritual, and also the Angel of the Home Fire or Fire of the Hearth within the shared residence.


Crimson Kurume azalea

Crimson Kurume azalea

Crimson Kurume Azalea
This remedy is for pregnant mothers. It helps to loosen the chains of selfishness, leading to the ability to readily sacrifice old habits and conditioning in order to encompass the needs of the growing babe. It invokes the Angel of Safe Passage during labour.


white azalea

white azalea

White Azalea
This is a remedy for old age, for those who would move on except for a feeling of unfinished business on earth. It draws in the Angel of Transit to help one move over and on.
If taken over a period of time, the Angel can gradually manifest, and by then the holding business will be resolved by the gradual manifestation of the angel’s energies around the elderly one.

Rose Azalea
This essence helps to let go the chains of sadness, grief, and low self-esteem, whatever keeps one chained down at the emotional level. It rectifies the feeling of having nothing to give to others, reminding one of the beauty within all things, particularly within oneself.
It invokes the Angel of the Present Moment, enabling appreciation of the beauty of all around us NOW.


violet azalea

violet azalea

Violet Azalea
This essence helps to remove the chains from around destructive thought patterns.


Creamy yellow Azalea
This essence helps to remove blockages causing chains at a physical level
E.g. Health, Abundance.


Essences which have a role in bringing about Peace Harmony and Balance on all levels. 


Th Peace Rose Essence

The Peace Rose

Peace Tea Rose Essence

The magnificent golden yellow rose that brings a deep peace to the heart.

It is especially helpful to use in groups when working with issues of world peace, justice and good governance.

It leads in assisting the flowering plants to transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age.


The Green China Rose

The Green China Rose

Green China Rose

Helps to synthesize eastern and western spiritual streams both within the individual
and collective consciousness.

It maybe appropriate to use in combination with the Peace Rose Essence.

More work is currently being done  to add to this section.



Rose of Sharon flower essence.

Specific directions given to create this essence.  Prepare a bowl of pure water, and choose three flowers, two fully formed, one pink, one white, and one bud to float in the water.
Place the bowl in gentle sunlight on a cloudy day.

Rose of Sharon

Rose of Sharon

” The blossoms of this beautiful flower are able to shed colour to perfection, each one in its own time and rhythm.   The lifespan of each blossom corresponds with the ebb and flow of the earth pulses in a circular synchronistic dance reminding us of the intricate nature of cycles.

It is therefore useful to contemplate this rhythm in order to experience it and as it rocks you, the feelings of patience — impatience begin to come into balance.

The colours contrast at the same time as they blend. The purity of the white suggests a completion. The pink generates a loving energy
that compels it into completion.
Thus, as you have been told, the gathering momentum released will gently amass an expression of powerful, creative force that is capable
of drawing together the threads of which is desirable to come into manifestation. God willing!


Essence of Australian State Floral Emblems.

Floral Emblems of the States of Australia

Floral Emblems of the States of Australia

A Combination of essences of the flowers that represent each of the seven states of Australia.

To be used  for dissolving boundaries and all un, and to enhance Australia’s gift of its flowers for unifying the consciousness of its  people



The Royal Bluebell' The symbol of Canberra. A.C.T.

The Royal Bluebell’ The symbol of Canberra. A.C.T.

With the co-operation of friends around Australia, we were able to  locate each of the flowers, create the individual essences, and then combine them from their mother tinctures into a powerful mix. –  the Waratah,  Cooktown Orchid,  Pink Heath,  Kangaroo Paw,  Sturt’s Desert Pea, Tasmanian Blue Gum, and the Royal Bluebell.



The Golden Wattle -Acacia Pycantha –  is the official floral emblem of Australia.

10-01-2015 8;38;47 PMThis was decided on in 1988 , the Centenary Year  –  green and gold, the colours of nature, were chosen as  our national colours.

The Essence of Golden Wattle would work  very well  together with the Combination Essence of State Floral Emblems.

Here you see it as a background to the Coat of Arms.

Chart of Australia’s Emblems.

2 thoughts on “A Feast of Flower Essences

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